Techie Things

A blog with tech recipes and other technical information by jmiguel.

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I have an old java project, with all files enconded as ISO-8859-1 . It was made back in time where most of our development team worked with Windows (fortunately, those times are over ;-)). Now (almost 10 years later -yep that is a really legacy project-) we’re updating it, mostly in the frontend user interface.

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Hoy, actualizando el sistema desde el entorno gráfico, me ha salido un error de un paquete que no podía actualizar. El sistema me sugería que buscara cual era el paquete que daba problemas usando el filtro rotos . Tras maldecirme por hacer estas cosas en el entorno gráfico en lugar de la consola, he ejecutado sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade desde la consola para ver que es lo que estaba pasando realmente.

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This is the kind of things I have to seach everytime I need to install a new drive on a computer. As this is the kind of things I don’t do everyday, I forget it.

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